by Dr. Beau Adams
God has a vision for you and me. The rest of the world may not see it. People might even consider some of us beyond repair. No matter where we’ve been or what kind of mess we’ve made of our lives, God can see through it to the beauty of a complete restoration. This book can show you how he can heal your soul and heal your life in such a miraculous way you will find yourself to be better than ever before.
Hardback versions are available for purchase directly from Community by calling (770) 914-0808 or emailing at info@communitybiblechurch.com

Stones of Gratitude
by Dr. Beau Adams
In medieval times, attempts to find a way to turn ordinary matter into gold were called alchemy. We now understand alchemy to be a forerunner of the modern study of chemistry, but what if people really do have the ability to turn what they touch to gold? Would having that kind of magical power be something that interests you?
What if I told you it involves gratitude? Would you be willing to wander down that path and see if that could possibly be true?
This little book is a series of stepping stones down that path. In Stones of Gratitude, Dr. Beau Adams explains how a single act of gratitude changed the course of history for an entire nation.
Hardback versions are available for purchase directly from Community by calling (770) 914-0808 or emailing at info@communitybiblechurch.com

Seven Stupid Things People Do to Mess Up Their Lives: (and how not to do them)
by Dr. Beau Adams
Drawing from the book of Proverbs, Dr. Adams interprets Solomon’s insights for a modern audience. You’ll discover seven stupid ways people mess up their lives. Just as important, you’ll learn how to avoid those traps and make a better life for yourself.
Discover the pitfalls of following the wrong crowd, speaking without thinking, indulging laziness, and surrendering to anger. Solomon’s wisdom addresses debt, sexual immorality, and more—while also offering peaceful, practical advice.
You may no longer live in Solomon’s world—indeed, centuries have passed since he wrote the book of Proverbs. Human beings, however, have not changed, and a wise mentor can make all the difference in your life.
Let Dr. Adams connect you to that mentor.
Hardback versions are available for purchase directly from Community by calling (770) 914-0808 or emailing at info@communitybiblechurch.com